
See How It Works

We provide everything you need to get your community excited about checking in and giving back.

Watch now to see what it’s like to use Sweat Angels

Have questions? Here’s some FAQs for you.

What charities will I support?

We partner with world-class charities like buildOn, charity:water, Best Friends Animal Society, and Bright Pink to support a wide variety of causes. See our Doing Good page for a full list of everything we’ve supported.

How often will my Digital Display update?

Because your Digital Display is wi-fi enabled, we provide automatic updates throughout the month that highlight each new cause, a mid-month update on your progress, and a recap of what we accomplished the previous month.

What’s included in my Content Pack?

In addition to your Sweat Angels Digital Display, you’ll receive vinyl decals for your front door, sturdy table tents for your counters, and a large-format poster for inside your gym.

Ready to start growing your gym?
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Sweat Angels works in 5 easy steps…

Why are Facebook check-in so valuable?

Two reasons… first, Facebook check-ins serve as friend-to-friend recommendations for places you’ve visited. Secondly, every check-in is typically seen by at least 200 of your friends. They’re the perfect way to encourage word-of-mouth growth.

How do I get started?

To get started, request a free demo with our Customer Success team and we’ll show you how Sweat Angels works. When you’re ready to join, we’ll walk you through the sign-up process. Click here to request your free demo now.

What does Sweat Angels cost?

Sweat Angels is priced based on the size of your gym. You pay a flat monthly fee and we cover the entire cost of donations. Click here to see what Sweat Angels would cost for your gym.

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